We’re headed off to North Carolina this weekend to marry off the oldest Farrow VP—my son Dylan. Moments like this are always cause for a quick look back and reminisce on life and where the times goes. Dylan has popped into the Farrow mix from time to time. He visited the farm back in 2019 when we first got Brutus and Olive and were getting ready to welcome our first batch of piglets into the world.
If you didn’t know, September was Farrow’s best month EVER.
More folks are finding the amazing power of the lard—thanks to you. Revenue in September was slightly more than any four months combined in 2022, when we launched from a 1-bedroom farmhouse in Decatur Tennessee.

Things started in the farmhouse packing up samples to ship to friends and family. Adelyn was already showing her passion for manufacturing right from the start.
We would sneak in batches of Farrow between brewing up kombucha.
I took a trip to Atlanta to spend a few days with the good folks at Georgia Grinders and explore how well we might be able to scale.
They roast, I render—they grind, we mix—then we’re both squeezing cream into a jar. It was this trip that confirmed my thoughts on how we could scale to a skincare juggernaut…we aren’t there yet, but thanks to you, we’re getting closer.
In September of 2021, we finalized our packaging for the launch Total Skincare Bundle.
This was the first picture I found on my phone of our bundle…positioned perfectly in front of a cardboard box for aesthetic
Farrow debuted at the Weston A Price Conference in Allen, Texas. This was pre-launch and we just handed samples out. Pictured here with Pete Kennedy, a King in the Food Freedom movement. He’s holding a bag of raw cheese…HA! We’ll be off to Orlando next week for the Weston A Price Conference again next weekend and hope to see some of our biggest fans there.
In December of 2021, we got to work building our fat reserves for many orders to come. You can see me here hand-grinding leaf fat for our FaceFood. Oh, the days of the hand grinder and countless hours in the church kitchen.
In April of 2022, things got really serious. Scott and Adelyn were promoted to VP of Farming/Fulfillment & VP of Manufacturing. Got them both their own business cards (with my information on the card—of course).
No turning back now.
A few thousand orders, countless testimonials & and endless supply of long nights and early mornings, it seemed appropriate to take a quick pause and THANK YOU for getting us to this point.
What a wild and crazy journey you have blessed us with so far. Thanks for your support and continued commitment to our mission to LATHER THE WORLD!